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Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July
This week, sparks may fly as you feel the urge to break free from a routine or two. If you've been holding back, you have a chance to speak up and make some waves. Embrace your boldness and authenticity—don't shy away from rocking the boat if it means asserting yourself. Trust your instincts to navigate any turbulence, Whether at work or in personal matters, your courage is your superpower, and this week, it wants you to use it to pave the way for positive, healthy changes!

Monthly Horoscope for July
Fantasy or reality? The next five months may blur the lines as Neptune goes retrograde until December 7. You might make a bigger-than-usual sacrifice for a loved one in need, too. A New Moon on the 5th nudges you to create your ultimate sanctuary. By January's Full Moon, aim to be in your dream space. Mars fuels your voice from the 20th until September—use it to heal, not fight. A Full Moon on the 21st spotlights your career. Recognition is coming!
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