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Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July
This week, revelations could surface that require attention. If there's tension in a partnership or collaboration, you may need to draw upon your ability to dig deeper to uncover the root cause. Whether it's renegotiating expectations or asserting your needs, transparency is crucial. Trust your Scorpion intuition to navigate complexities with wisdom and resilience. Your depth and perceptiveness empower you to transform challenges into opportunities for stronger connections!

Monthly Horoscope for July
Neptune reverses from the 2nd, cautioning against being too mysterious in the coming months. People will talk about you, but let them get the real scoop from you during this time and not let the truth get in the way of a good story. On the 5th, a New Moon ignites travel and adventure, urging you to hit the road. Can't travel yet? Start planning a January getaway. A Full Moon on the 21st brings fresh faces into your world. Explore your local vicinity to find like-minded folk!
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