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Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July
Stay vigilant this week, Cancer, as unexpected dynamics could arise within your social circle. If you sense hidden agendas or unfair situations, address them diplomatically. Assert your worth and set clear boundaries because whether it's with friends or colleagues, honesty is your golden ticket to strengthening a bond. Your intuition will guide you through any challenges. But let your sensitivity and insights foster genuine connections and maintain integrity where it's needed.

Monthly Horoscope for July
Neptune moves backwards on the 2nd until December. What's your highest purpose? Where do you need to go to unlock your gifts? A course of study, perhaps? A New Moon in Cancer on the 5th encourages you to plant the seeds of your desires. Think about what you truly want to grow over the next six months. From the 20th, secrets may bubble up as Mars stirs suppressed feelings until September. It's time to release past hurts and welcome emotional freedom!
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