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Weekly Horoscope starting 26 July
This week, confront temptations that challenge your values. If you're drawn to risky or fleeting pleasures, take that as a sign to pause and reconsider. Coming events are all about aligning your actions with principles. Whether it's in relationships or personal pursuits, choose paths that connect with your integrity and long-term happiness. Your discipline and perseverance are your strengths. So, use them to build a future that reflects your highest ideals!

Monthly Horoscope for July
Neptune reverses on the 2nd, making you more discerning about your social circle until December. You might uncover shady details about a friend or group during this period. A New Moon on the 5th offers a fresh start in relationships, possibly igniting a new flame. Until September, Mars boosts your motivation to get fitter! A Full Moon on the 21st rewards hard work over the past six months. You've earned this, but if a path isn't working, pursue a new one.
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