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Weekly Horoscope starting 17 January
Mars in your sign could make you a bossy Crab this week. You want what you want, and compromising may be completely out of the question. Call it selfish; call it survival—you're grabbing life by the claws. But steamrolling anyone is definitely not the way to go during the coming days. You might crush something (or someone) precious. Do you really want to win that badly? Think before you use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.

Monthly Horoscope for January
The Full Moon on the 13th is all about YOU, Cancer! Stop downplaying your wins—it's your time to humble-brag hard. As you bask in your glow, plant seeds for the future. The New Moon on the 29th heats things up in the bedroom—or the boardroom. Ready for the next level? Speak up. For single Crabs, the peak manifesting time is the two-week period after the New Moon. But fair warning: wishing for something to happen is like trying to put out a candle by staring at it.
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