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Weekly Horoscope starting 20 December
A clash between Saturn and Jupiter suggests there could be consequences if you make a false claim or embellish the truth. Big ideas are great, but Saturn reminds you that talk without demonstrable action is pointless. Got a pitch or proposal? Don't try to 'talk' or 'big' it up; just back it up with cold, hard facts. Jupiter's optimism is dazzling, but Saturn's the one that gets stuff done. Blend these two energies, and your words will transform into wins.

Monthly Horoscope for December
The New Moon on the 1st pushes you to cut the cord on what has had its day, whether it's a dead-end project or a relationship stuck in neutral. A Full Moon on the 15th kicks your butt to start a proper wellness routine. Get those greens on your plate! On the 24th, Jupiter and Saturn remind you words are cheap, so backup talk with action. A Capricorn New Moon on the 30th launches you into high-gear goal-setting. It's time to leap or forever wonder what could've been!
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