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Weekly Horoscope starting 17 January
You've got a sharp tongue this week, Sag, so be extra careful. Mars and Mercury egg you on to say your piece in no uncertain terms. However, venting could backfire and possibly expose jealousy you didn't know you possessed. Instead of roasting someone, take a breather. You know you're better than any petty drama. There are ways of making points using words like “we” and “us” that don't part someone's hair and can strengthen the spirit of collaboration.
Monthly Horoscope for January
The Full Moon on the 13th shines on deep sharing, sexuality and intimacy. Luna wants to help you couple up or find someone worth your unmatched energy. No hotties around? Dive into a project that makes your heart race. By the 29th, the New Moon aims its energy at how you think, talk and text. Learn something new, sign up for a class, DM an expert or widen communication lines where needed. Life isn't waiting, so don't ignore ideas that could arrive thick and fast.