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Weekly Horoscope starting 28 March
I know you hate change, but you either willingly let go of emotional baggage this week, or the universe will push you. A New Moon Solar Eclipse tosses your past into a cosmic shredder, so wave goodbye and don't look back. Feel lost? Get weird with it—meditation, art, even spa days if it means chilling out. Until October, Neptune makes you super psychic but also a total enigma. People will be drawn to you, but be prepared to discern the real from the fake.

Monthly Horoscope for March
Caring too much for others can be suffocating. Loosen your grip before your loved ones plan an escape route. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 14th reminds you you can't control everything. Money looks good, but don't blow it on dumb stuff. Mercury's backwards move from the 15th to the 29th could push you to make questionable purchases. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th brings a fresh start to “passion projects” – one might include a certain person, too.
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